Cyber Security

Looking for an alternative to Twitter and thinking about joining the folks flocking to Mastodon? Here’s how the two platforms compare to each other. From restructuring their workforces to facing big fines, big tech companies have been on a roller coaster ride recently – but certainly none quite as much as Twitter. Indeed, Twitter has
Hello, is it me you’re looking for? Fraudsters still want to help you fix a computer problem you never had in the first place. Tech support scammers have been offering bogus technical support services and “resolving” people’s non-existent problems with their devices or software for years. Using a range of tried-and-tested social engineering tricks, they’ve
ESET researchers identified an active StrongPity campaign distributing a trojanized version of the Android Telegram app, presented as the Shagle app – a video-chat service that has no app version ESET researchers identified an active campaign that we have attributed to the StrongPity APT group. Active since November 2021, the campaign has distributed a malicious
ESET Research announces IPyIDA 2.0, a Python plugin integrating IPython and Jupyter Notebook into IDA IDA Pro from Hex-Rays is probably the most popular tool today for reverse-engineering software. For ESET researchers, this tool is a favorite disassembler and has inspired the development of the IPyIDA plugin that embeds an IPython kernel into IDA Pro. Under
Are your virtual doctor visits private and secure? Here’s what to know about, and how to prepare for, connecting with a doctor from the comfort of your home. Telehealth services were one of the tech success stories of the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as cloud-based services helped suddenly locked-down workers to stay productive, telemedicine consultations ensured
With many children spending a little too much time playing video games, learn to spot the signs things may be spinning out of control Across Europe, half of the population aged 6-64 plays video games, according to industry body ISFE. The number rises significantly for 6-10-year-olds (68%), and those aged 11-14 (79%) and 15-24 (72%).
Xenomorph pilfers victims’ login credentials for banking, payment, social media, cryptocurrency and other apps with valuable data More than 50,000 Android devices were compromised with an Android banking trojan called Xenomorph earlier this year. First reported by ThreatFabric, Xenomorph posed as a system-optimizing app called “Fast Cleaner”. Disguising malicious software as device optimizers, battery- or performance-enhancing and
The time has come for your child to receive their first smartphone. Before handing it over, however, make sure to help them use their new gadget safely and responsibly. Choosing the right holiday gift(s) for your children can be nerve-racking, perhaps doubly so if you’re choosing it for your pre-teen. It’s at that age when
The group’s proprietary backdoor LODEINFO delivers additional malware, exfiltrates credentials, and steals documents and emails This week, the ESET research team published their findings about a spearphishing campaign that the Chinese-speaking threat actor MirrorFace launched in Japan and that mainly focused on members of a specific Japanese political party. The campaign – which ESET Research